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Order Custom Furniture from The Wood Reserve

by Kristen Bergeron August 14, 2023

Order Custom Furniture from The Wood Reserve

Imagine for a moment that you're looking for a new piece of Amish furniture to complete your home. You go online and find a gorgeous product you love, EXCEPT it doesn't quite fit your needs.

You may need three shelves instead of two inside your dining hutch.

Do you want a glass door instead of wood?

Or, you'd like that nightstand in your cart more if it was taller and narrower.

It's hard to find the perfect piece of furniture online, but that's where The Wood Reserve comes in. Our expert team of furniture specialists can help you create a piece of custom furniture that meets your unique needs. 

Not sure what options are available to you? Stick with us, and we'll explain more about our amazing Amish furniture customization solutions.

Can You Customize Every Piece of Furniture on The Wood Reserve?

It's worth noting from the start that not all of our products can be customized. Luckily, though, a wide selection of them can!

We've put together a versatile collection of customizable furniture. Whether you're looking for an armoire, gun cabinet, or corner cabinet, there's sure to be a gorgeous piece that you love and we can work with you to make it work for your home.

Why Would You Need to Customize Your Furniture?

Amish furniture comes with precedence for quality, durability, and style. However, if it's already so great, why would you need to customize it?

Our customers may need to "tweak" the current design for many reasons. Below is a list of some of the most common custom furniture requests we receive at The Wood Reserve. 

1. Measurements

Let's say; for example, you're currently obsessing over our Lancaster Shaker Style China Hutch. Everything about the piece fits your style needs, but it's too wide to fit the wall where you'd like to put it.

Amish Dining Hutch

All hope is not lost!

Making adjustments to measurements is one of the most common customization requests we receive, and thankfully, it is one that we can usually accommodate. 

2. Storage 

Do you love the Craftsman Amish pantry cabinet but wish it had two drawers on the bottom instead of another set of doors? Ask us if we can make the change!

At The Wood Reserve, we recognize that our customer's needs are versatile. You're all using our furniture in various ways and what works for one customer, might not meet the needs of another. 

If you'd like to revise the current storage layout of a product, let us work with you to design some changes. 

3. Usability

As we mentioned previously, we're all using our furniture differently. But what if it's more than just reworking an item's storage that you're thinking about? What if you're interested in adding a new element to the design?


For instance, the Cambridge Amish buffet cabinet is a gorgeous piece of dining room storage furniture - but what if you could use it as a wine storage cabinet, too? That'd be amazing, right?

Amish Dining Buffet

Ask our design team about adding wine storage racks to the open storage in the middle! A simple change could ensure you receive the furniture you're dreaming about. 

Complete Your Handcrafted Furniture with Our Custom Finish Options

Once the design is underway, it's time to add the final touch - a stunning finish color! Whether you like two-tone styles, paint, or stains, we have a wide range of finish options to help you create a beautiful, heirloom-quality product.

We even offer free finish samples to help you ensure you're getting the exact shade you want!

Contact The Wood Reserve Today to Learn More About Our Custom Furniture Collection

So, are you ready to get started on your custom piece of Amish furniture? Our team is here to help!

Call us at (941) 201-4230 or email us at contact@thewoodreserve.com for more information. 

Kristen Bergeron
Kristen Bergeron


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